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External module "api/extjs/new-api/types/ej-types"


Type aliases


Teq: string

Note: There is a difference in default flag for xtype search. Do not use the xtype(true) syntax in TEQ, because (true) is added by default. I.e. ExtJs query has (false) by default, but TEQ has (true) by default. And you have not ability to pass (false) in TEQ. So you always search by exact xtype and not by the inheritance chain.

Locale: Front end locale, which is set by gT.e.utils.setLocaleObject(). In the component queries, substrings like 'l"locale_key"' will be replaced by '"value_for_key"', i.e. '[text=l"settings"]' will be changed to '[text="Настройки"] for russian locale.

Extra locale: Back end locale, which is set by gT.e.utils.setExtraLocaleObject() In the component queries, substrings like 'el"locale_key"' will be replaced by '"value_for_key"', i.e. '[text=el"settings"]' will be changed to '[text="Настройки"] for russian extra locale.

Also fake ids id like '##idKey' will be replaced by '#realId' from tiaEJ.idMap.

References can be specified using '&' prefix. Say if your TEQ string is: '#someId &someReference someXType', then the function will search the component with id 'someId', then it will be equal to: Ext.ComponentQuery('#someId).lookupReference('someReference').query(someXType)